Digital MGC Booster
Digital MGC Booster is new model launched by MyMB in 2016 that utilize advance Digital MCU technology.
Why you should consider upgrade to Digital MGC Booster ?
The Digital MGC Booster utilize a powerful Digital MCU unit that allow accurate manual gain control (MGC) of booster in 1dB step. If due to some reason that you could not increase the separation between the outdoor antenna or indoor antenna (eg for condo, small apartment or house), it may cause loop oscillation for normal booster without MGC function. But with Digital MGC Booster, after installation, if you notice there is loop oscillation, you could manually adjust the gain until loop oscillation disappear, and your mobile signal booster system can function well again. The Digital MGC booster also come with Oscillation Alarm to indicate whether there is loop oscillation occurs, so it is very easy to adjust the gain with the indication from the oscillation alarm.
The Digital MGC Booster also come with a digital display screen that shows the current gain level and the RSSI signal strength level that help you to adjust the outdoor antenna direction.
For Digital MGC booster, Single Band and Dual Band models are available at this moment. Triple band and Power-Max models will become available in the near future.