- Please select your shipping location and click ‘Calculate’ button.
- You could extend the warranty period and/or cover for lightning strike damage, please refer to Extended Warranty page.
- To adjust the payment (+ RM1 x Quantity), please click add to cart button here:
Important Notice for Direct Online Bank Transfer :
An additional flat charge of RM1.5 will be imposed on total price per checkout.
Important Notice for Credit Card Payment :
For credit card payment, there is additional charges of 5% total price + RM2, this additional charges will be added together with the shipping cost and shown as ‘postage and packaging’ charge in the invoice.
The Credit Card payment are processed by Paypal. Paypal may not accept some credit card or debit card for non-Paypal member, in this case, you could try to use a different credit card or debit card. If you still encounter difficulty in payment, we recommend you to join Paypal member and link your credit card to Paypal account, it is simple and may take you for less than 5 minutes. After that , you could log in to your Paypal account in our Payment interface and make a payment to us easily. To Join Paypal, please go to the official website: www.Paypal.com