Payment Methods

Customer could choose the following payment methods:

  1. For Registered Parcel Shipping – Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Credit Card Installment
  2. For Cash On Delivery – Pay Cash upon delivery


Direct Online Banking:

We accept all Malaysia bank direct online banking, just choose your favourite bank and log in to your online banking account, and the payment will be done automatically.


For Manual Bank Transfer Payment:

Please transfer the total payable amount to one of the following bank account:

Public Bank: 3185682933
(Account Holder Name: My Electronic Enterprise)


Maybank: 151128244766

CIMB Bank: 7062456608

RHB: 1-01147-0025581-8

AM Bank: 0440010117874

(Account Holder Name: Hong Wee Sien)
(Contact Number: +6 012 7916852)



For Credit Card Payment:

For credit card payment, there is additional charges of 5% total price + RM2, this additional charges will be added together with the shipping cost and shown as ‘shipping and handling’ charge in the invoice.

The Credit Card payment are processed by Paypal. Paypal may not accept some credit card or debit card for non-Paypal member, in this case, you could try to use a different credit card or debit card. If you still encounter difficulty in payment, we recommend you to join Paypal member and link your credit card to Paypal account, it is simple and may take you for less than 5 minutes. After that , you could log in to your Paypal account in our Payment interface and make a payment to us easily. To Join Paypal, please go to the official website:


For Credit Card 0% Installment Payment:

Currently we accept Maybank (Visa, Master, AMEX) and Public bank (Visa, Master).

For product above RM500: 6 Month Installment

For product above RM1000: 6 Month, 12 Month Installment

For product above RM1500: 6 Month, 12 Month, 18 Month Installment

For product above RM2000: 6 Month, 12 Month, 18 Month, 24 Month Installment


For Cash On Delivery:

Customer pay cash to the courier while received the product. There may have additional charges by the courier if credit card is used to make payment.

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